How to Defend a Misfeasance Claim

Have you been accused of misfeasance, misconduct, or any wrongdoing as a company director?

If so, reach out to I&L Advisory today for a free and confidential consultation with an experienced independent advisor. We will guide you through your

options and offer solutions on how to:

  • Defend a Misfeasance Claim: Learn about the available defences, such as proving your actions were reasonable and in good faith, or showing that no harm was caused to the company.
  • Avoid Legal and Financial Repercussions: Receive advice on mitigating risks associated with adverse proceedings.
  • Prepare for Potential Disqualification: Understand how to safeguard your directorship and reputation.
  • Handle Company Liquidation: Explore structured and compliant liquidation processes.
  • Protect Against Future Allegations: Gain insights into preventing further accusations of misconduct.


Contact us for a Misfeasance Assessment 44 (0)20 7692 8456

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