The Perils of Personal Bankruptcy: Katie Price’s Journey

The world of glamour and fame may seem like a dream come true to many, but the case of Katie Price serves as a stark reminder that even celebrities can face severe financial challenges. Price, a former glamour model, has been grappling with bankruptcy for several years. Her ongoing battle with a tax bill exceeding…

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Preference Payments: What Directors Should Be Aware Of

Company directors must be vigilant about the implications of insolvency, particularly when it comes to preference payments. Understanding what constitutes a preference and the potential consequences is essential for maintaining legal and ethical standards. Here’s a guide on what directors should know about insolvency preference payments. What is a ‘Preferential Payment’? A ‘preference’ occurs when…

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Setting Aside a Statutory Demand: A Guide

In the realm of debt collection, a Statutory Demand can be wielded as a formidable weapon, allowing creditors to pursue unpaid and undisputed debts. However, for those on the receiving end, it can represent a looming threat, signalling potential financial turmoil and legal issues. Understanding how to navigate this is crucial, as setting aside a…

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Bounce Back Loan Repayment: Understanding Your Options

Are you feeling the financial squeeze of your Bounce Back Loan repayment and unsure of your next steps? If you find yourself unable to afford repayment, it’s essential to understand the avenues available to you. Let’s delve deeper into some common questions and concerns and what the options are going forward. Exploring Bounce Back Loan…

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Councilman Turns Fraudster in Eat Out To Help Out Scandal


In a turn of events that reads more  like a screenplay than reality, a  former councilman’s ambitious plot  to swindle the government’s Eat Out  to Help Out scheme has landed him  behind bars. This isn’t just another  cautionary tale—it’s a deep dive into  how one man’s greed overtook the  spirit of a programme meant to…

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A Brief Guide to an Official Receiver Interview

official receiver interview

An official receiver interview is a critical step in the bankruptcy process, and understanding what to expect can alleviate some of the anxiety that often accompanies such proceedings. This brief guide aims to shed light on what an official receiver interview entails and how to navigate it. Understanding the Role of the Official Receiver Before…

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Transactions at Under Value: Director’s Disqualification

transactions at under value

In the tumultuous landscape of corporate finance, the pressure on directors to protect company assets during times of financial distress can be immense. However, the hasty sale or transfer of assets at undervalued prices (Transactions at Under Value) can have severe consequences. Despite being often seen as a safeguarding measure, Directors need to understand the…

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Transactions Defrauding Creditors: Directors Disqualification

transactions defrauding creditors

When it comes to Directors Disqualification, recent guidance from the English Court of Appeal sheds light on a crucial aspect: Section 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986. This deals with transactions defrauding creditors. This guidance is particularly relevant in cases where a debtor is suspected of transferring assets through corporate structures to evade creditor claims,…

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Bouncing Back from Bounce Back Loan Troubles

bounce back loan

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) was designed to support businesses during the pandemic. With £47 billion handed out to businesses, the scheme was designed to provide a financial cushion during tough times.  However, shocking figures below show that many businesses are finding it difficult to make repayments and are in need of professional help.…

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Official Receiver- Understanding Their Role

official receiver

In times of financial distress, individuals and businesses may find themselves facing insolvency. This is a situation that involves the intervention of an official receiver. But who exactly is the official receiver, and what role do they play in the insolvency process? In this blog, we’ll delve into the responsibilities of the official receiver, the…

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